Climatic changes have caused severe changes in Sri Lanka, many lives lost due to natural disasters, reduction of crop production, and degradation of infrastructure development. Degradation of natural resources and the rate of development of projects have also gone down in the country.
Rising sea level is also caused by climatic changes. As a result lots of areas in the coastal belt are facing floods and rainy conditions around Sri Lanka. In some areas this has resulted in droughts.
A workshop was held at the Foundation Institute in Sri Lanka on 03rd March 2009 to create awareness about Climate Change for journalists. This workshop was organized by the by the climatic changes division of the Ministry of Environment and Natural resources Sri Lanka.
The water problem in the Kalutara District in Sri Lanka was also raised during the workshop. The need for experimental crops which could resist climactic changes, awareness on floods and landslides, creating tree plantations, storage of food and water in preparation for disasters, coastal disasters, protection of natural resources and inland water resources, the need of a communication system for disaster management among the Asian region was discussed at length during this event.
Minister of Environment and Natural resources Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka also participated in this event. He pointed out that 15% of the harvest in the country is lost due to floods; He also stated that climatic changes could be a major problem to Sri Lanka in future. Further he stated that reduction of water supply, deforestation, food crisis and prevailing mist in the dry zone could cause severe problems to Sri Lanka in future.
The minister also pointed out the coal power plants could face imminent problems due to lack of coal. He also stated that the pollution from coal power is much higher than expected. Further commenting on the issue he said that the developed countries are responsible for the environmental damage caused in the world, meanwhile he pointed out that that Sri Lankan government is considering developing the country through a project such as Green Lanka Movement.