Climate Change At APGN 2010
The 2nd Congress of Asia Pacific Greens Network
2010 was held in Taipei,Taiwan from 30th April to 02nd May 2010, and more than 20 countries participated representing Asia Pacific region. At the 1st day of congress has programmed to discuss about individual issues in different working groups and the 2nd day reserved for the talks about Climate Change .This was the biggest international event which talked about the Climate Change after the COP 15 Summit. Climate Change is already contributing to create floods, droughts and hurricanes and spreading diseases such as Malaria and Dengue fever. It is damaging the significant ecosystems around the world, Especially in Asia Pacific region, Himalayas, Great Barrier Reef, Forests, Biodiversity and vulnerable islands the Pacific and Indian oceans like Tuvalu, Micronesia and Maldives face storm surges, coastal erosion and rising sea levels that may make them uninhabitable within the next half century. In addition to the almost 1 billion food insecure people, many more in developing countries (Many countries are under developing in Asia Pacific) will face food insecurity if deserts spread, If the Asian Monsoon systems is substantively changes or if the fresh water supply from melting mountain glaciers such as Himalayas Becomes increasingly erratic.
Following are the summary of discussed opinions about the solutions to Climate Change being in a country based at the APGN 2010 congress.
New Zealand
• Price on carbon: is it necessary to deduct. It can be done by changes on process can reduce the carbon price. This is the real solution to reduction of green house gas emissions. But we should think about reasonable solutions because if the process charge price is high, the carbon price also will be high.
• Emission trading: CAP is not sealed is the problem and no policies and an agreement on emission trading. The policy should be on recycling of the revenue which targets the level of greenhouse gas emissions. But It is a complicated situation.
• Japan policy of climate change is prevention issues and forecast that is in 2050, 80% of 99 level of GHG reduction
• We need clever policies to reduce and emission trading and what kind of people taking part – people who are capable
• 12/12/2010 is nominated for Global day of action
We are using different products which cause climate change. We should change the behavioral patterns what we used to. We can make the big impact. As human we love to have the entire comfort in our life time, but if we are selfish in such a way automatically we contribute to the climate change. We need to talk about the solutions and this is time for that. Poor countries they don’t have to adopt the technology. But we do not use the resources we have. We should be aggressive to find what is the best contribution to prevent climate change in Asia Pacific region? And it is very important to predict future affects on rural areas, because our majority is representing rural. We have unfocused on climate change prevention throughout rural areas. In our countries, there are too many population and we don’t have a ability for technologies. Change behavior is the best way. Focus on alternative ways of behavior.
Last 50 years china contributes the global temperature increasing in 1.1%. This has affected of natural disasters is heavy. Sometimes Ice berg melting is decreasing and they are transferring into another issue and those are decreasing and some places are increasing in other places too. Also this causes to reduce Agriculture production system and increasing its’ cost. Living temperature in the forests is increasing due to deforestation. Water resources in northern have become more dry and southern became wet. And sometimes opposition also happens. In many more places the people who live will be poor caused disaster. Larger carbon emission in the region is coal and it contributes 50% and it’s basically on infrastructure – cement and using other natural resources for government’s political and economic development. However national reconstruction commission has established in 2007 and Current emission WTO is increasing yet.
80% Mongolians are poor and 35% of are jobless. Lot of street children is around. Different comfort living styles are enjoyed by few people and they get all the benefits.
Hence Mongolia less contributes to the Climate Change due to the coal production of European countries (Russia )yet Mongolians have to suffer from Climate Change. But no one pays any compensation.
Sustainable energy is the solution and we should be hurry up. But these solutions will be affordable to countries like under developing.
Irresponsible life styles had caused to global warming and climate change: CO2 emissions are increasing in all ways. People should change those patterns in a sustainable ways. This is the time for it and the good news is we can do it.
Low carbon economy is the new concept to be followed by all governments in Asia Pacific region.
Effective Adaptation & Making REDD work in a vulnerable country.
According to new observations flooding, typhoons and Sea level rise will be increased in a more percentage than expected before.
Climate change has supported for growing economic cost, drastic fall in food productions and low capacity adaptation in Philippines.
As a solution, we should push governments for adaptation policies – by election, mandate process in constitution to make Climate change low.
Micronesia is a group of Islands which has lots of natural resources and foods such as forests, water, fishes, vegetables, lots of fruits etc. But now it is hard to maintain this sustainability due to ocean comes and covers some areas. Salt water destroyed the ability of planting on lands. There is no more possibility for land based activity in some islands.
Sanka Chandima Abayawardena and Kalpana Ambepitiya were participated by representing Sri Lanka Green Alliance and according to them this is the 1st Sri Lankan representation for Asia Pacific Green Network. They have got approved a resolution …………………………………..
If we lost something there are more ways to make it again or to find some options, but in terms of Planet Earth there is no solutions available, we cannot make another planet. This is the time for a Green world and it has to be begun here and now!
Kalpana Ambepitiya
Secretary – Green Alliance, Sri Lanka