Frogs In Polluted Bellanwila-Attidiya Sanctuary Shows Lower Immunity With Higher Reproductive Capab


Research indicates that the reproductive capacity

of frogs from the Bellanwila-Attidiya sanctuary 

have increased as an evolutionary trade off

to withstand the risk of getting extinct

from disease outbreaks.

This research was carried out by the Department of Zoology, University of Colombo.
Amphibians are one of nature’s best indicators of overall environmental health and their catastrophic decline serves as a warning that humans are currently facing significant environmental degradation. Their permeable skin, aquatic larvae, and unshelled eggs are constantly exposed to water borne chemicals making them good environmental markers and sentinels. Their known characteristics can be measured to assess the extent of environmental impacts and to provide early warning of such implications.
Research further states that   frogs in the polluted and the reference sites exhibited significant differences than the frogs in other areas. This study was carried out for the first time in Sri Lanka.