Disposing E-waste


A workshop was held to aware about

electronic waste and impacts of mercury waste

in Sri Lanka yesterday.

This workshop was organized by the Centre for Environment Justice (CEJ) with the participation of government and private stakeholders in the country.
This workshop highlighted the impacts of used medical appliances containing Mercury (Hg), CFL waste and electronic waste which contains disposed mobile phones and computers. Sharing the thoughts participants pointed out the growing concern of chemical cadmium (Cd) in the fish markets of Negombo as a result of ewate. Speaking at the event Mrs.Sarojini Jayasekara representing the CEA (Central Environment Authority) pointed out an Act to regulate electronic products in government level to minimize e-waste which imported to the country. According to reports 200 Metric tons of e waste been collected per year in Sri Lanka while 14 companies have signed up with the Central Environment Authority to collect e-waste in Sri Lanka.