“Geo Responsibility Awards”


Geocycle Day will be celebrated on 22nd of March

with a series of activities to popularize

sustainable waste management amongst industrial community.

The key event will be “Geo Responsibility Award 2011” held on 22nd of March 2011, at Mihilaka Medura, BMICH from 3.00 to 7.00 pm. Hon. Minister for Environment, Anura Priyadharshana Yapa will grace this event as the chief guest. With “Geo Responsibility Awards”, Geocycle expects to give recognition to industries that practice best environmental management system amongst industries currently registered with them. Assessment and evaluation will be carried by an independent Technical Committee comprising of experts representing the Ministry of Environment, Central Environmental Authority, Ministry of Industries & Commerce, Board of Investments of Sri Lanka, Industrial Technology Institution, National Cleaner Production Centre and University of Moratuwa. These awards and certificates will be issues in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment of Sri Lanka, who will also lead the Technical Committee. Winners will be recognized with gold, silver and bronze awards whilst others will be recognized with merit certificates for their commitment towards professional sustainable waste management.  

What make Geocycle’s commitment and service exceptional in professional waste management solutions is its capacity and global expertise in disposing hazardous wastes. Geocycle commenced providing this invaluable service far back as March 2005 while Geocycle has extended its services to more industries over the years.