Sri Lankan Youths At First South Asian Youth Conference


The 1st South Asian Youth Conference (SAYC) was held in Bangalore

from the 23rd May to 29th May 2011,

at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB). The Conference was hosted by Blue Ribbon Movement-a youth led organization working towards youth empowerment and leadership development in association with Peace Child International, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Road to Rio and several other leading organizations. The seven day conference consisted of plenaries, thematic sessions, workshops, open forums and action projects. Around 100 youth leaders from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka gathered for a common cause, to build a “Peaceful South Asia”. Reflecting the goals of the UN International Year of Youth, the main objective of the conference was to seek dialogue and mutual understanding between the youth of South Asia, combat extremism, racial and national hatred, and resolve misunderstandings.

Unsustainable infrastructure development and over exploitation of natural resources has threatened Mother Nature. Every moment the Climate is changing, but the negotiators do not feel the heat and day by day climate deals are failing, but still we have some hope to reduce the impact of Climate Change and therefore third day was dedicated for “Peace with the environment”. Mr. David Woollcombe, The president of peace child International showed  the path of sustainable development, which has become a crucial element for a sustainable planet. The work shops were focused on Green Economy, Clean energy, Povery eradication etc. During the last few days we were got engaged with few actions based projects in the ground zero and came out with an action based change declaration. The conference was ended with a productive open forum and cultural show case from the delegates of south Asian countries.

Six youth delegates represented Sri Lanka at the 1st South Asian youth Conference, namely Bhagya Senaratne, Bhagya Kulasooriya, Chathurangi De Silva, Pubudu Weerarathna, Mohomed Husni and Sikander Sabeer.