APRN Slams Green Economy At The Rio+20 Global Day Of Action In Manila


Members of the Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) in the Philippines today joined the 200-strong people’s mobilization led by Kalikasan, a national people’s network for the environment, in front of the US Embassy, to denounce the Green Economy and the US’s lead role in the ever-worsening multiple crises.  

The Ecumenical Institute for Labor Education and Research (EILER), Center for Women’s Resources (CWR), and Center for Environmental Concerns (CEC) joined the Global Day of Action on Rio+20 in solidarity with the workers, farmers, indigenous peoples, women, urban poor, youth, and environmental groups in the Philippines, bringing with them the messages that came out of APRN’s Rio for People Conference held in Hanoi, Vietnam.

APRN General Secretary Lyn Pano was among the speakers who, after listening to the plight of the various sectors, shared the discussions in the recent APRN Rio for People conference to show that the dire situation experienced by the Filipino people are also suffered by people around the Asia Pacific region. She emphasized the importance of the simultaneous street actions happening around the globe today, given that the ongoing Rio+20 Summit is driven and dominated by governments and corporate lobbyists who, being the culprits of the crisis, cannot be expected to bring about sustainable development. She reaffirmed the calls being made in Rio and the world over for the rejection of the green economy and capitalism. “We, the people, who are not allowed to speak at the Summit, whose rights are being trampled upon, will not be silenced. Instead, we will strengthen our ranks and constantly struggle to realize system change.”

Also present in the Manila mobilization was EILER Executive Director Analea Escresa to support local labor groups’ demand for the government to foster national and local production and enterprises supporting small-scale business and producers for sustainable development; to create equal employment opportunities and ensure decent work for all, gender equality, and participation particularly of marginalized groups; and to fulfill international human rights standards and principles to protect the rights of migrant workers and their families.

CWR members and staff were also present, carrying with them the messages coming from the youth and children sector, asserting their roles as agents of change, and not simply vulnerable victims of social injustices nor mere recipients of government welfare. They joined the Global Day of Action, fully aware that they continue to be marginalized by the unsustainable dominant profit-driven economic system and that their voices must be heard and given greater importance.