To Kill, Or Not To Kill - Bangkok Intersessionals Of The UNFCCC



To kill, or not to kill – While millions more are dying with the impacts of climate change. This seems to be the undercurrent yesterday at the Bangkok Intersessionals of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).  


At the Contact Group meeting for finance, developed countries, particularly the Umbrella Group composed of the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan and supported by the European Union, Switzerland and Mexico, raised a number of procedural questions for continuing to tackle climate finance at the Ad HocWorking Group on Long-term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA). Arguing that every finance issue has an appropriate forum where each of the different finance issues can be addressed, they put forward the view that the LCA’s work on finance should end this year, as mandated by the Durban outcomes. Having a number of meetings on finance at the LCA, to these countries, is a ‘misallocation’ of time.

Developing countries are pushing for more substantive discussions on finance at the LCA since, as Bangladesh has put it, there are a lot of ‘creative ambiguities’ in the climate negotiations and there needs to be a basic understanding at the political level of what is really meant by issues such as scaling, sources, resource mobilization and allocation of funding.

Source: iboninternational