Prime Minster Singh Urge Global Community To Ratified Nagoya Protocol


Plenary of the high level segment of the eleventh conference of parties to the convention on Bio Diversity kicked off a short while ago in Hydrebad, India.

 His Excellency Dr.Manmohan Singh the Prime Minister graced the opening ceremony with the participation of all delegates around the world. In his speech Dr.Singh urged all parties to ratified and commit to Nagoya Protocol because the global action is imperative and cannot brook any further delay. He further said that India has approached on protecting and promoting bio diversity through conservation, sustainable use and sharing benefits from utilization of genetic resources.

Further the Prime Minister launched the Hydrebad pledge where Dr. Singh announced to provide 50 million US$ to strengthen the institutional mechanism for Bio-Diversity Conservation in India. Dr. Singh further stated that the govt. of India hopes to funds developing countries for capacity building on conserving bio diversity.