GYBN-COP11: Busy Bee Award
Busy Bee Award
With the “Busy Bee Award” GYBN wants to acknowledge the players that are showing progressive action within the CBD negotiations. We want to motivate the winners to continue their supportive behaviour and inspire other parties to contribute constructively as well.
Furthermore we want to show that youth is present at the negotiations and takes care about their future. We want concrete results from this COP! That’s why we are observing the process as the decisions have a high impact on our future.
The first Busy Bee Award goes to the African Group for their contribution in the negotiations of resource mobilisation. Gabon gets the second award for the engagement of stakeholders and other major groups.
Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN)
The Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) aims to represent the voice of global youth in the CBD processes, raise awareness among young people of the values of biodiversity and connect individuals and youth organizations in order to build a global coalition to halt the loss of biodiversity. GYBN comes to COP11 in its first official presence, representing more than 500 youth from over 40 countries. To date, youth have only been participating as individuals in the CBD-process and there has been no coordination body. However, in August 2012, 35 young people from 26 countries participated in a Kick-off conference in Berlin which led to the official establishment of GYBN. Two years of intense preparation and coordination went into creating this network after getting approval from the CBD secretariat to form a youth constituency that could be used to present their unified voice on the issues of biodiversity conservation. Youth are present at the COP in Hyderabad from
Germany, Indonesia, USA, India, etc. to lobby with the negotiators and represent their position.
Courtesy – GYBN