New Mechanism To Protect Medicinal Plants
News from Hydrebad, COP 11
A collaborative initiative was launched today on Bio Diversity and Community Health by Government of India with the participation of UNDP, Traffic & United Nations University. Speaking the event representatives of the initiative stated that protecting and sustainable use of Medicinal plants was not a big topic in previous conferences of parties as it has been included in the Nagoya Protocol recently.
Releasing a statement by the UNDP at the conference of parties’ states that 80%-90% of communities depend their livelihoods with traditional medicinal plants and UNDP welcomes this initiative as UNDP recognizes the medicinal plants agenda.
Representing the TRAFFIC organization Ms. Anastasiya Timoshyna said that this kind of initiative is important to revise the provisions of Nagoya protocol and to support Aichi Target 4 by 2020.