Carbon Management In GCC Countries


Ali Al-Meshari, Saudi Aramco, outlined his country’s domestic activities and international engagement towards climate change mitigation, stressing that efforts
need to be driven by technology.

Abdulmalek Alobra, CDM-DNA, Saudi Arabia, outlined the achievements of Saudi Arabia’s DNA, highlighting it was awarded the “DNA Communicators of the Year”
award in 2011, an honor announced at COP 17.

Moderator Taha Zatari, CDM-DNA, Saudi Arabia, highlighted the efforts of GCC countries on carbon management, noting panelists would provide specific examples
of these actions.

Moderator Taha Zatari, Designated National Authority of the Clean Development Mechanism CDM-DNA), Saudi Arabia, introduced the panel on carbon management in GCC countries, oting it would address: how these countries manage emissions; project administration; carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS); renewable energy plans; and new market mechanisms.

Ali Al-Meshari, Saudi Aramco, described Saudi Arabia’s work on climate change mitigation and Saudi Aramco’s efforts in carbon management, with a focus on its Carbon Management roadmap. Noting Saudi Aramco’s work on energy management, flare reduction and carbon management, he detailed the five parts of the Roadmap, involving: capture of CO2 from fixed ources; reduction of CO2 from mobile sources; industrial applications of captured CO2; CO2
storage; and CO2-enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

Ahmed Al-Eidan, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia, presented an overview of Saudi Aramco’s demonstration project on CO2-EOR, stressing that since Saudi Arabia will not need EOR for ecades to come, given its oil reserves, the focus of the project is environmental. He explained the demonstration was aimed at using a proven technology to develop a CCUS project, noting this required man-made sources for CO2 injection, and monitoring and surveillance, including in post-closure phases. He provided technical details on the demonstration project and monitoring activities.

Abdulmalek Alobra, CDM-DNA, Saudi Arabia, discussed Saudi Arabia’s CDM-DNA, offering n overview of the DNA, its achievements, CDM projects in the pipeline and future tasks and lans. Among its achievements, he highlighted public awareness activities on the carbon market mechanism, including workshops, field trips and the development of a website. misting projects in the CDM pipeline, he noted they include gas emissions reductions, solar lower and energy efficiency.

In discussions, participants and panelists further considered, among other things: cooperation projects on industrial applications of CO2; the difference between commercial applications of EOR and the CO2-EOR demonstration project; renewable projects in the CDM pipeline; and the benefits that could be achieved if EOR were included under the CDM.