More Than 224,000 Call On UNFCCC To Kick Big Polluters Out Of Climate Policy


During the final days of the Bonn Climate Change Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Corporate Accountability International delivered a resounding call to the parties of the UNFCCC on behalf of Rainforest Action Network, hundreds of other organizations and hundreds of thousands people:  protect the treaty and climate policymaking from the undue influence of the globe’s biggest polluters.

The call comes as record droughts and rainfall as well as relentless heatwaves claim lives around the globe and some of the world’s biggest polluters attempt to co-opt the treaty process and influence negotiating outcomes. The meeting in Bonn, concluding June 11, is one of the last formal meetings of the Parties before the next full Conference of the Parties to the treaty in Paris—largely regarded as a make-or-break moment for the agreement.