Go Climate Neutral Now - New UN Initiative To Drive More Voluntary Action To Combat Climate Change


The United Nations (UN) is today calling on businesses and individuals to reduce their climate footprints with the launch of a new initiative, Climate Neutral Now.

The world is currently on track to exceed the two degree average warming limit needed to avoid catastrophic climate change. As well as action by governments, voluntary action by business and individuals is needed to ensure we get on track to avoid the worst of climate change and transition to climate neutrality by the second-half of the 21st century.

The Climate Neutral Now initiative urges individuals, companies and governments to:

1. Measure their climate footprint
2. Reduce their greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible
3. Offset what they cannot reduce using UN-certified emissions reductions

Climate Neutral Now provides a simple UN certified method for acting, as well as ways to support that action through an online portal.