Sri Lanka's Commitments For The Paris Agreement
Sri Lanka, a country highly vulnerable to climate change impacts presented the INDCs to strengthen the global efforts of both mitigation and adaptation. In response to challenges posed by climate change, Sri Lanka has taken positive steps by introducing national policies, strategies and actions in order to address climate change induced impacts, amongst which are the National Climate Change Policy of Sri Lanka.Further, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) on Energy Generation and End Use Sectors is being implemented, and the NAMA on Transportation is being prepared, in addition to the afore mentioned, the Long Term Electricity Generation Expansion Plan 2015-2032 and the National Solid Waste Management Strategy 2000, the Corporate Plan 2014-2018 by the Central Environmental Authority and various legal amendments made by government entities related to environment are being implemented.
As a small island in the Indian Ocean, the coastal region of Sri Lanka is susceptible to changes in sea level. The 2004 tsunami has indicated that low-lying plains in the coastal zone will be vulnerable to any future rise in sea level. Important sectors of the economy such as tourism and fisheries could be affected due to impacts of sea level rise. A significant population of the country is dependent on livelihoods connected to agriculture. Studies show that the food security of the nation can also be adversely affected due to adverse impacts of climate change. Besides, a substantial share of the foreign income is generated through export crops which are highly sensitive to fluctuations of weather. Emerging evidence from various sources suggest that climate change could alter natural systems connected to the water cycle, the ecosystems and the bio-diversity of the country. This could lead to decline of various ecosystem services that are indispensable for the welfare of human population. In addition, impacts of climate change appear to have significant repercussions on health of the citizens and human settlements of the country.
Sri Lanka has taken several steps to strengthen the country’s capabilities to face the challenges of Climate change, especially by the formulation of overarching policies, national level plans and Strategies. In order to address the issues related in climate change a separate dedicated institution titled the Climate Change Secretariat (CCS) for handling was established under the Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment in 2008.
The Mitigation plan is to reducing the GHG emissions against the Business As Usual Scenarios In the sectors of Energy, Transportation, Industry, Waste and Forestry. The key Contributors to GHG are Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4) and Nitrous Oxide (N2O) and the Adaptation plans Mainstreaming climate change adaptation into main economic drives with attention to economic and livelihood diversification. Adaptation will focus on as 4 the key the sectors those of Food security, Health, Water, Coastal and Marine Resources, Biodiversity and Ecosystems, Infrastructure and Human Settlements. Adaptation initiatives that derive mitigation co-benefits will be given due priority. Loss and Damage In order to contribute to the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage a local mechanism will be developed. Means of Implementation External support for Finance, Technology Transfer and Capacity Building for the above sectors are considered in the implementation process Of the INDCs of Sri Lanka.