National Sustainable Development Engagement Platform


The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Wildlife (MoSDW), with a view of engaging all stakeholders in planning for sustainable development in Sri Lanka, launched the National Sustainable Development Engagement Platform and the Transformation Dialogue on lasts montth at the Waters Edge, Battaramulla, Colombo.

This inclusive transformation dialogue helped to draw input to the National Sustainable Development Roadmap, initiated by the Ministry.The Ministry is the firsts of its kind in Sri Lanka and the only existing Ministry for SDGs for Asia and Pacific region .

The road map  provided the foundation to evolve a policy, regulatory and institutional framework that enables the transformation and the formulation of a national sustainable development strategywith an action plan.

It attempts to evolve visions and pathways for national transformation and to provide guidelines and standards for ministries, agencies and other stakeholder organizations towards ensuring sustainability of all projects and initiatives. The roadmap will also provide guidance on implementing the national commitments to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in a convergent manner.

The inaugural transformation dialogue, was chaired by Hon. Gamini Jayawickrema Perera (Minister of Sustainable Development & Wildlife) and was moderated by Mr. Uchita de Zoysa (Sustainable Development Advisor – MoSDW), which brought together political leaders from the government and opposition, senior public sector officials and provincial administrators, academics and scientists, CSOs and activists, business and industry, United Nations and international development agencies, and media into a single platform to discuss visions, pathways, polices, strategies, partnerships and means of implementation.