COP22: Professionals And Experts Highlight The Role Of The Media In Promoting Action Against Climate
Several professionals and experts highlighted the principle role the media can play in the protection of the environment, the preservation of nature and the fight against climate change.Delegates, experts, journalists and reporters met at an event organized by the High Authority of Audiovisual Communication in the Green Zone at COP22. The aim is to raise awareness among the general public and all parties in the fight against climate change and to instil a real sense of awareness about how the impact it has on their everyday lives, as well as nature and the planet in general.
Two members of the COP22 Steering Committee participated in the event, Nizar Baraka, President of the Scientific Committee and Driss El Yazami, head of Civil Society. During their speeches, they discussed the progress made by Morocco in the fight against climate change and the national and international significance of the Conference of Parties in Marrakech.
In this regard, Driss El Yazami stated that “the goal of the pilot committee of COP22 is to mobilise all the parties to seize the opportunity that has been given by the Paris Agreement, and and to raise awareness among Moroccans and indeed everybody on sustainable development and climate change”. He also reinforced that the media is a key actor and instrumental in explaining the subject in all its facets and bringing this information to the general public.
In addition, Nizar Baraka stated that “Morocco, upon receiving the official Presidency of the Conference of Parties, set about its mission with a new rational, namely to involve governmental and non-governmental parties”. “We need to change the paradigm and our daily habits as citizens, States, institutions, journalists, organizations, individuals and groups in relation to
nature”, she said, adding that, the Media needs to clarify and simplify this new logic to citizens and to relay experiences and successful initiatives in the fight against climate change”.
The experts of the HACA also put the spotlight on the judicial framework and its important role in the protection of the environment, in particular the role of Authority and how this can be extended. In this respect, they underlined that the current constitution of Morocco is very strong in terms of protecting nature and the environment. Morocco bases this, according to a professor of law, on the international conventions it has signed, real dialogue and the laws that govern this area.
A large number of radio station directors and national, public and private newspapers participated in the event. The speakers focused on the importance of training, supervision of journalists and media involvement in the protection of the environment.