Sri Lanka Move Forward On National Road Map For Sustainable Development


Sri Lanka is committed to implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. In doing so, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Wildlife as the national focal point for the SDGs in Sri Lanka is planning the National SDG Roadmap towards building capacity of the nation for enabling sustainable development. This workshop was held to formulate strategies and action plans for women and youth engagement for SDGs in Sri Lanka. The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka supported in organizing the workshop and together with other key stakeholder engagement. 

The two day workshop was graced by experts, youth and Women from different part of the country where they were involving in each working group. Some of the key point that was discussed and brought to consideration during the working group are engaging stakeholders on capacity development an effective capacity building process encourage participation by all those involved. If stakeholders are involved and share ownership in the process of development they will feel more responsible for the outcome and sustainability of the development. Engaging stakeholders who are directly affected by the situation for more effective decision-making, it makes the development work more transparent.

Assess capacity needs and assets assessing pre-existing capacities through engagement with stakeholders will allow to capacity builders to see what areas require additional training, what areas should be prioritized, in what ways capacity building can be incorporated into local and institutional development strategies.

One of the most fundamental ideas that we came across with capacity building is the idea of building the capacities of governments in Sri Lanka so they are able to handle the problems associated with environmental, economic and social transformations. Developing a government’s capacity whether at the local, regional or national level will allow for better governance that can lead to sustainable development and good Governance.

The National Road Map Process was discussed with the participants and many inputs was added to the process. The National Road Map is said to be launch within another six months’ time and the process will be an evolving mechanism while in its implementation level it could change by time and situation.

Sri Lanka is one of leading country in the SDGs process compared to other development and Developing countries in the world. The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Wildlife looks forward to work with other stakeholder in the future.