Court Orders To Arrest The Killers Of The Leopard
Chief Magistrate today ordered to take necessary steps to police after examine the videos of the brutal killing of a leopard in Kilinochchi. Further to the incident Wild life Department’s Director General M.G.C. Sooriyabandara had provided the necessary visuals to police which spread in the social media regarding to the incident and arrests the suspects involved in the incident.The Police and the department of wild life are carrying out two separate investigations,” he said. Meanwhile Deputy minister of wild life Minister PalithaThewarapperuma says the reason behind this unfortunate incident was some authorities fault in handling wildlife issues and it was not a fault of the leopard.
“The leopard has frequented the area to snatch cattle and goats had pounced on villagers. The villagers have informed the wildlife officials of the area of this incident around 7.30 am on Thursday. However, the wildlife officers have arrived the scene around 11.30 am. By that time, the villagers have caught the leopard and killed it,” he said.He said it was necessary to find out the reason for the wildlife officers of this area to arrive the scene few hours late.
“People who have committed wrong should be punished. This innocent leopard is not at fault. It is questionable as to why these people are so happy after killing this animal. They are even taking selfie with it. Perhaps, they do not know the consequences of killing an animal in such a brutal manner. May be they were too depressed with the attacks of this leopard for the past few days. Those people cannot even do their daily activities due to this leopard’s attacks,” he said.