Rapid Development Of Human Civilization Results Deforestation


Today rapid deforestation is one of the greatest problem that has put the whole global warming alarm to raise before the expected warning by the nature. As you forested areas to non-forest land use such as arable land, urban use, logged area or wasteland has drastically increased over the past decades with development of human civilization.

Where Historically, this meant conversion to grassland or to its artificial counterpart, grain fields; however, the Industrial Revolution added urbanization.

In developing countries, massive deforestation is ongoing and is reshaping climate and geography. Deforestation results from removal of trees without sufficient reforestation however, even with reforestation, significant biodiversity loss may occur. That has led to many devastating natural catastrophe in the world that has significantly affect the human race and livelihoods

There are many causes, ranging from slow forest degradation to sudden and catastrophic wildfires. Deforestation alters the hydrologic cycle, altering the amount of water in the soil and groundwater and the moisture in the atmosphere. Forests support considerable biodiversity, providing valuable habitat for wildlife; moreover, forests foster medicinal conservation and the recharge of aquifers.

According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat, the overwhelming direct cause of deforestation is agriculture. Subsistence farming is responsible for 48% of deforestation; commercial agriculture is responsible for 32%; logging is responsible for 14%, and fuel wood removals make up 5%. There are many causes of deforestation. The WWF& reports that half of the trees illegally removed from forests are used as fuel in the world.

Some other common reasons that brought up by human to justify are to make more land available for housing and urbanization. To harvest timber to create commercial items such as paper, furniture and homes, to create ingredients that are highly prized consumer items, such as the oil from palm trees, to create room for cattle ranching

Common methods of deforestation are burning trees and clear cutting. These tactics leave the land completely barren and are controversial practices. Clear cutting is when large swaths of land are cut down all at once. A forestry expert quoted by the Natural Resources Defense Council describes clear cutting as “an ecological trauma that has no precedent in nature except for a major volcanic eruption.”

Burning can be done quickly, in vast swaths of land, or more slowly with the slash-and-burn technique. Slash and burn agriculture entails cutting down a patch of trees, burning them and growing crops on the land. The ash from the burned trees provides some nourishment for the plants and the land is weed-free from the burning. When the soil becomes less nourishing and weeds begin to reappear over years of use, the farmers move on to a new patch of land and begin the process again.

There many other related effect such as Forests ecosystem that has been effected almost all the species on the world. As result of degradation the chain of event around the world.  Seventy percent of the world’s plants and animals live in forests most of them are losing their habitat to deforestation according to recent study and Loss of habitat can lead to species extinction. That which we hear many animals are vanished of the face of the earth. It also has negative consequences for medicinal research and local populations that rely on the animals and plants in the forests for hunting and medicine. Trees are important to the water cycle. They absorb rain fall and produce water vapor that is released into the atmosphere.

Solutions to Deforestation is that The rapid cutting down of trees is endangering the environment. Deforestation stands out as a major concern that needs immediate attention. It’s high time we take the initiative to save trees. Let’s come together to make the planet greener and healthier by devising effective solutions for deforestation.