Formula E In Saudi Arabia – A New Move To Promoting Green


Formula E serves as a competitive platform for global car manufacturers and mobility providers to test and develop road-relevant technologies. By racing on the streets, the series acts as a catalyst, helping to refine the design of electric vehicles and improve the driving experience for everyday road car users all over the world. 

Saudi Arabia recently hosted the ABB FIA Formula E Championship. The event was a step into promoting a new culture and greener methods as per the Vision 2030. Vision 2030 is the Kingdom’s plan to reduce its economic dependence on oil and instead diversifying and reinforcing the economy on non-oil industries.

Saudi Arabia’s approach to clean and renewable technology is on the rise. Increased government spending and public workshops are being held to educate the public on renewables.

The country with a large population of young adults, has been the key to a fast-paced drive towards a technologically advanced and energy efficient goal. Formula E has been the stepping stone for the introduction of greener technologies to the country and also the introduction of the new motorsport.