More Germans Dissatisfied With Energy Transition's Implementation


A vast majority of Germans continue to support the energy transition in principle but there is growing frustration about its implementation, according to a new survey. Research by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), the 100 Percent Renewable Foundation and the Innogy Foundation for Energy and Society found that the share of people who consider the landmark project to be too expensive rose three percentage points to 78 percent from 2018 to autumn 2019.

66 percent said it was chaotic (up six points), 56 percent characterised it as unjust (up five points) and 51 percent as elitist (up four points). “It is highly surprising that the discrepancy between the general approval of the objectives of energy transition on the one hand and the assessment of its implementation on the other is so clea r and has even increased over the years,” said IASS scientific director Ortwin Renn. “We very rarely experience anything comparable in surveys. An increasing loss of confidence in politicians is our only explanation.” In contrast, overall support for the goals of the energy transition increased slightly. The share of people who agreed with the statement “The energy transition is a joint task in which everyone in society, including myself, should make a contribution” rose two points to 82 percent. The IASS Social Sustainability Barometer study, which is based on a survey of 6,500 households, also revealed that a majority are in favour of more onshore wind energy and that almost two thirds support the coal exit. More than half of respondents said they were prepared to pay more for energy in order to protect the climate.