Rise Of Bubonic Plague In China And Mongolia
The two countries, China and Mongolia have successfully conquered coronavirus while the rest of the world battles Covid-19 with some countries just starting to face the rise of a second wave of the virus. However, within the last week cases of bubonic plague have started emerging in both countries.The Bubonic plaguealso known as the Black death is one of the three types of plague which consist of Bubonic plague, Septicaemic plague and Pneumonic plague. Bubonic plague is caused by bacterium Yersinia pestis.Often transmitted to human through infected fleas found on small mammals such as rats. Also, can be transmitted through the exposure of dead infected animals. The bacteria enter the body when an infected flea bites the skin, virus particles enter the body causing lymphatic nodes to swell. This usually day seven of infection where individuals develop flu-like symptoms. At this stage, the virus can be detected through a medical diagnosis.
In the last decade, Bubonic plague outbreaks have become increasingly rare however not uncommon. For instances, in China between the years 2009 to 2018, there were 26 reported cases with 11 deaths. Bubonic plague can be effectively treated with antibiotics upon the early diagnosis but if left untreated it has a fatality rate of 60%.
Authorities in both China and Mongolia has issued warnings to people to avoid consummation of rat meat. This statement has caused nearby countries such as Russia to warn people near the border of China to avoid the consummation of rodents. Fortunately, Bubonic plague outbreaks can be effectively controlled like Covid-19. However, authorities are still investigating the source of the outbreak of the plague.