UN Secretary-General To Convene High-level Roundtable On Climate Action During General Assembly Week


As climate impacts worsen around the world, UN Secretary-General António Guterres is convening a roundtable of global climate leaders from government, business and finance, and civil society to showcase high-impact actions and ambition to confront the climate crisis.

The virtual roundtable will demonstrate leading examples of the Secretary-General’s six climate-positive actions to recover better together: invest in jobs and green business, no bailouts to polluting industries, ending subsidies for fossil fuels, considering climate risks in all decisions and policy-making, working together and ensuring that no one is left behind. The event will showcase the vast social and economic benefits of a sustainable recovery and of action to limit global warming to 1.5°C by achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, and to ensure that people and planet are protected from climate change impacts.

Taking place a year and a day after the 2019 Climate Action Summit, which mobilized climate leaders to step up the pace of progress, the Roundtable is part of a major global effort to raise ambition to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.  The Roundtable will be a significant step towards the 5-year anniversary of the adoption of the landmark UN treaty on December 12 this year, which will be a vital moment to mobilize greater action and ambition on the pathway to COP26 in November 2021.