Massive Land Grabbing Occurring At Nakologane,Kurunegala- Environmentalists Warn
Kalana Krishantha
September 3, 2022

The Collective of Environmental Organizations accused that the thousands of forests and farmers` traditional crop lands being grabbed by politicians, national and multinational companies, with the help of chief incumbent Thera of Nakologane Rajamaha Viharaya, Kurunegala.
Addressing a media briefing held at Colombo Public library auditorium on 30th of August, environmentalists pointed out that lands located at Nakolagane in Ahetuwewa divisional secretariat, Kurunegala district being misused by politicians and companies with blessing of chief incumbent thera of the area`s temple.
The senior advisor to the Centre for Environmental Justice, Hemantha Withanage said that the migratory ways of elephants already blocked due to the illegal elephant fences built by various people who illegally occupied these lands now. He further said that there are plans to build a 40-acre large solar power plant by a company of USA after destroying the forest coverage in that area. He accused that all those things happening without any proper environmental assessment.