Tilmann Gneiting New Scientific Director For HITS
January 7, 2023

As of January 2023, Prof. Tilmann Gneiting is the new Scientific Director of the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). As the position of Scientific Director rotates through the group leaders, this is a planned change in management. Frauke Gräter, who had been Scientific Director for the last two years, stepped down from this position at the end of the year.
Prof. Tilmann has served as head of the computational statistics group at HITS and professor of computational statistics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) since 2013. His research focuses on methods for probabilistic forecasting, such as in water prediction or for the development of Covid 19 pandemic.
Gneiting is one of the highly cited researcher with many publications, according to the Clarivate Analytics list that included him five times in a row (2014-2018). He was fellow at the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecast, He is also a fellow of American Statistical Association and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and served the chief editor of Annals of Applied Statistics for his research, he was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant in 2012.
The Scientific Director is selected among the HITS group leaders and appointed by the shareholders. The Scientific Director represents the Institute in all scientific matters vis-à-vis cooperation partners and the public.