Usually Discarded Male Chicks From State Farms To Be Given To Low Income Categories To Rear For Meat
May 22, 2023
Plans are underway to start a programme to provide the nearly 5000 male chicks that are discarded monthly from the government animal farms to the unemployed youths and low income families.
Agriculture Minister Mahinda Amaraweera instructed officials to immediately stop the practice of informal discarding of male chicks from government animal farms.
Thus, authorities have immediately stopped the discarding of male chicks in farms belonging to the National Livestock Development Board and the Department of Animal Production and Health.
For many years, almost over 5000 male chicks born in these farms per month are being used as pig feed.
In a review conducted in this regard, it was confirmed that this practice has been going on for many years to control the number of males and females in poultry farms.
Minister has asked the relevant authorities why they are not taking steps to use these male chickens to complete the country’s chicken meat requirement.
“At present, a large number of youths in the country are unemployed. So we can give these chicks to rear them for meat. Minister Amaraweera said that they can provide these chicks to unemployed youths as well as low-income families in the country,” Minister said.