Marine Life Of Deep Sea In Indian Ocean

Shakila Ifham

May 26, 2023


Recently, The EarthLanka Youth Network in Sri Lanka established the first ever campaign on mitigating the environmental issues related to Deep Sea Mining in collabration with Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA)
Deep Sea Mining is the process of extracting valuable minerals and resources from the seabed. Which has deleterious affects on the aquatic eco systems and its inhibitants leading to a long term negative impact on the ecology. It can also elicit ill effects on the sediments and destruct the neighbouring habitats
Since its establishment in 2014, SOA, has built up the greatest network of young leaders, business owners, supporters, mentors, and collaborators in the world, in finding answers to the most pressing problems affecting our oceans. In order to restore the health of the ocean.

The SOA  along with Earthlanka Youth Network in Sri Lanka are working on addressing the environmental problems caused by deep-sea mining in Sri Lanka, as Sri Lanka has a long history of maritime industry due to its strategic location, and the small island is surrounded by a sizable exclusive economic zone.  As a result, during the past few months, online and offline workshops with social media activists, journalists, and bloggers have been held. Beatrize Vinha, Mark Haver, and Maria Pena Ermida from the Sustainable Ocean Alliance led these training sessions. The physical exercises were carried out using too.

Deep-sea mining is still a taboo subject, according to Sudarsha De Silva, Chief Editor of Earthlanka and Co-Founder of the Earthlanka Youth Network, but due to the country’s increasing need for resources, it will soon be a problem. In the future, Sri Lanka needs to focus on sustainable development, and we think that the country’s younger generations need to be educated about it.