Russian Climate Plan Boosts Industrial World Cover To Almost 80%


With Russia’s submission to the UN of its climate action plan, 32 developed countries covering nearly 80 per cent of the total emissions from industrialized nations have delivered their contributions to the Paris Agreement.

The emissions figure is based on the National Reports supplied to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by industrialized-country

Parties to the Convention. “Russia’s timely and welcome submission has added an additional and important momentum to this global effort. Industrialized countries are expected to lead the world in reducing greenhouse gases. I encourage the remaining industrialized nations.

According to UNFCCC data, Russia’s contribution means that two thirds of industrialized countries covering nearly 80 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions from the industrialized part of the world have now set out their ambition for the new agreement which nations will reach in Paris, in December and which will come into effect in 2020.

A total of 35 parties to the UNFCCC have now formally submitted INDCs, including all countries under the European Union plus the European Commission, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Switzerland and the United States. Mexico was the first developing country to submit its plan and today Gabon became the first African country.

In Paris, countries under the UN are scheduled to reach an agreement where every country contributes now and into the future, based on national

circumstances, to prevent global warming rising above 2C degrees and to adapt societies to existing and future climate change.

Governments agreed to submit their INDCs in advance of Paris, ensuring that they were no less ambitious than previously announced plans. The UNFCCC will prepare a synthesis report on the aggregate effect of the INDCs received, by 1 November 2015.

Climate science is clear that Paris needs to set the world on track to a three-part objective, if we are to meet the 2C degree goal: a global

peaking of emissions in the next decade, a deep de-carbonization of the economy world-wide and climate neutrality in the second half of the centuryat the latest.

The INDCs being put forward this year will clearly not add up to the total long-term effort to reach climate neutrality and Ms. Figueres has made clear that this is why Paris should reflect a progressive alignment of the global economy, over decades, to match what climate science is saying.