Governments Commit To Take Forward Vital Work To Tackle Climate Change In 2020
During virtual meeting today, the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC committed to take forward crucial work to tackle climate change under the umbrella of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), despite the COVID-19 crisis.
The 11 members of the Bureau are nominated by each of the five United Nations regional groups and Small Island Developing States, and provide advice and guidance regarding the ongoing work under the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement, the organization of their sessions and the relevant support by the UN Climate Change secretariat.
Since the last meeting of the Bureau in April, the work of the UNFCCC secretariat has not slowed, with several initiatives launched in order to drive momentum, showcase continuing climate action and urging greater climate ambition from all segments of society.
UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa, said: “Our efforts to address climate change and COVID-19 are not mutually exclusive. If done right, the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis can steer us to a more inclusive and sustainable climate path. We honor those whom we have lost by working with renewed commitment and continuing to demonstrate leadership and determination in addressing climate change, and building a safe, clean, just and resilient world.”