Solidarity In Running Shoes
HITS running team raises more than 10,000 Euros for cancer research in first virtual NCT Run – Klaus Tschira Foundation sponsors each team kilometer with 25 Euros on the occasion of its 25th anniversary.Once a year it draws the running crowds: the annual run of the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) in Heidelberg is one of the most popular charity events in the region. Due to the ongoing pandemic, this year’s run had to be re-organized as a virtual three-day-event from 26-28 June: separated by distance but united in spirit, almost 9,000 participants ran a total of 120,000 kilometers individually or in small groups, following a route of their own choice. Among them were also 30 staff members of the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS), who were particularly motivated: On the occasion of its 25th anniversary the Klaus Tschira Foundation had decided to sponsor each staff kilometer with 25 Euros. And the running team did not need to be told twice: In keeping with the team slogan „Run beyond the limits“ they completed a distance of 427 kilometers and thus raised a donation total of 10,675 Euros for cancer research.